This weekend I had the greatest compliment I truly think anyone can ever receive as I was working an event. As the very distinguished woman approached, smiled and gave me the biggest hug, her eyes began to well up I suddenly realized who she was as she spoke these words “ Lew, I can’t thank you enough, you know its been two years since she passed, and those photos, its the only thing we have left you know.” it was then that I realized just who was hugging me, and the reality and importance of our work. She then says “ those images are simply priceless of my daughter, grand daughter, and great grand daughter, I really really couldn’t have paid you enough, for just what those photos mean to us.” At that moment I must say my eyes welled up as well, not only was Michelle a client but I had worked with her when I spent a short time at the Chrysler plant in Kokomo. Sadly, she had a heart attack before we ever had a client viewing, and during her illness we had put that on hold. Unfortunately she never saw the final product, but we did give the family an experience.
This is the second time that I’ve experienced this in my many years of photography, I hope many never experience it. But as we sometimes may dread a session, or say oh its just another photo shoot, lets take a moment to remember it could very well be the last memory every made and the memory made will last forever.
Jan 10, 2012, 11:56:21 AM
Ken Zink - Lew, I've had this happen to me also. Actually three different times and I agree it's awesome the compliments. However every time it happened to me I relived that persons session. Also so true you're going to lose it!! Then I ask the Lord why did this have to happen?? Thanks for posting this Lew. We must get together and talk sometime, Ken.